Gene and Shirley Baker

HandsOn Jacksonville, celebrating its 44th year this year, honored volunteers on Monday, April 24 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Jessie Ball duPont Center. The Celebrate GOOD VIP Awards Dinner was the kick-off to their Celebrate GOOD Festival and in conjunction with National Volunteer Week.


There were many reasons to celebrate Monday night, including the fact that Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry will proclaim April 2017 as Volunteer Appreciation Month on Thursday in front of representatives from HandsOn Jacksonville. In addition, this week is National Volunteer Week, which was created in 1974 by President Richard Nixon's administration

Monday's dinner was held at the Jessie Ball duPont Center downtown, the headquarters for several local nonprofits. The event recognized remarkable individuals and organizations -- examples of the hard work hundreds of thousands of people do in our community. A special heartfelt thanks and congratulations to our very own Gene and Shirley Baker who received the 2017 “Hands on Health Award”!


Barbara Potter


Laine MacWilliam