‘Our patients pay nothing:’ Jacksonville clinic offering free health care to working class (Action News Jax)

Jennifer Ryan, Volunteers In Medicine CEO, being interviewed by Action News Jax

Going to the doctor isn’t always cheap, and if you don’t have health insurance it could be a hefty bill. With insurance rates increasing, even if you are covered, it might not fit your budget.

In an effort to provide health care access to those struggling to make ends meet, a new health care clinic is working to lift the burden off families.

The free health care is made possible through the clinic’s hundreds of volunteers. There are close to 250 each month, assisting with patient care—many are nurses or health care professionals who donate their time.

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Volunteers in Medicine expands in new clinic (WJCT)


Volunteers in Medicine in Jacksonville is relocating: Here's some things to know. (Florida Times-Union)